Queta Orozco
Socia de la red de CONTUR
Queta Orozco was born in México City, she has more than 25 years of experience as a Human Resources Consultant, she has participated in projects across Latin America (México, Brazil, Colombia, Perú, Costa Rica, Argentina and Chile), for companies such as: Unilever, Procter & Gamble, American Express, BBVA, Continental, Bridgestone, Mercedes Benz, Santander, Mazars and others.
She has experience in: Executive Coaching, Training, Outplacement, Assessment Center, Leadership, Competencies, HR Analytics, Employee Experience and Engagement. She participated in an alliance with IBM for the implementation of HR Analytics projects in LATAM; also, she collaborated in the design of a recruiter chatbot. Currently she designs and teaches leadership and HR programs for different companies in Mexico. She is an advisor for mexican entrepreneurs and is a member of “The red shoe movement”
She graduated in Psychology, has a master’s degree in Organizational Development. She is an Executive Coach certified by INESPO.
She currently lives with her two daughters in Mexico City. She enjoys traveling, climbing mountains, cycling and music.