Your Way to CONTUR
I found my way to CONTUR through friends. My passion has always been to support people in their personal development. After completing my bachelor’s degree in sports and training as an insurance saleswoman and financial investment specialist, I have now discovered the master’s degree program in human resources development and am more than motivated to support the team and our customers
I grew up in Minden and studied in Hamburg and Munich. However, Münster has become my adopted home. I’ve always been a very adventurous person and I need that in my everyday life too. I have a lot of sporting hobbies, enjoy doing things with friends and spend a lot of time outdoors with my dog Jason. However, I have also learned how important it is to take breaks and rest. That’s why I like to relax, read books, do yoga, cook and bake and really enjoy spending time with Jason 🐕.
Questions to you
What was the last book you read?
Benedict Wells: Almost brilliant. A terrific book with an incredible ending.
What job did you do when you were at school?
At the weekend from 6 a.m. at the bakery and at the Christmas market at the mulled wine stall.
What is your biggest vice?
Ice cream and cake. I love both and can’t have either at home. There’s no discipline for me anymore.