Your Way to CONTUR
My way to CONTUR: I had my first contact with CONTUR during my studies in Göttingen, because I did a one-year internship with a large Hanoverian company (and wrote my diploma thesis there). And their training provider was… exactly, CONTUR!
After graduating, I started my first job in Cologne in corporate human resources development at a subsidiary of Ford. After almost 7 years as a personnel and organisational developer with varied tasks (including supporting a large change project with international workshops in Mexico, France and China), I was in the mood for change. Inspired by reading the book “Das große Los” by Meike Winnemuth, who won 500,000€ on Günther Jauch and travelled around the world for a year, I quit my job and followed her example – in my own way (including a Vespa tour through Italy, goat trekking in Switzerland, trekking through South America, vineyard work in New Zealand, Ayurveda treatment in Sri Lanka). After my return, I moved to Hanover and that’s when CONTUR crossed my path again in the form of a job advertisement. I jumped at the chance and since 2016 I’ve been happy to fill a never boring dual role – as a team leader for large client programmes and as a trainer.

I am a big fan of Italy. After living in Piedmont and Veneto for two years, I’m always drawn back to Bella Italia (my favourite saying: “A year without Italy is a lost year”). I also bring the “dolce vita” feeling back to Hanover a bit when cruising on my Vespa. I also love the peace and quiet (and harvesting) in my allotment garden, doing sports (jogging, yoga) and playing the saxophone in an ensemble.