
Grow personally and as an organization
Create strong and self-responsible teams with a culture of open dialogue and respectful interaction!
Woman in discussion

Managing change at all levels –
with Janssen’s Model®

Whether it is the megatrends of digitalization and sustainability or other social and economic transformations – they all require change competence as a meta-competence.

Two levels play a role here: on an individual level, it is about mastering upcoming changes as a person and gaining inspiration and satisfaction.

However, since we can only master these challenges together, it is also important at an organizational level to maintain a respectful interaction and to create a culture of dialogue.

We need strong teams that embrace change and make it a success, based on personal responsibility and openness.

“There is nothing so practical as a good theory”

True to Kurt Lewin, we offer a pragmatic and effective approach with Janssen’s Model®, which is based on the theory of the Four Rooms of Change – a practical everyday psychology.

Developed by Claes Janssen (Swedish psychologist, scientist and author), the original approach serves to support change processes as well as innovation and development processes of individuals, teams and organizations.

It has been practiced for over 30 years and is used in various industries worldwide.

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The four rooms of change

We all have experience of how we feel and behave in situations of change or in each of the rooms of change.

When a change comes into our lives, we leave the room of contentment and enter the room of censorship. “That doesn’t affect me” is a typical reaction.

As we become aware of the need for change, uncertainty and disorientation increase in the room of confusion.

Only when we are ready to let go can a decision be made and the path to the room of inspiration begins, ultimately leading us back to the room of contentment where we can harvest the fruits of change.

Recognize yourself, act
and treat others well

You are probably familiar with a number of change management concepts, methods and tools.

Janssen’s Model® can be seen as a foundation and catalyst that makes other methods and tools more effective.

With Four Rooms, it is possible to involve managers and employees in a very short time and, above all, to make the emotional side of the change process transparent and to take it into account in a respectful way.

The theory of the Four Rooms of Change is based on two fundamentally different ways in which people look at themselves, others and society, which have a major influence on collaboration, development and change.

Neither way of looking at life is right or wrong. Being able to localize yourself and recognize opposing points of view helps to facilitate respectful interaction.

In this way, differences in the team can be used to build on strengths. It creates a common language and openness among each other.

The self-efficacy of individuals is strengthened and the team accepts the challenge of change, finds constructive solutions together and increases its ability to organize itself.

Pragmatic approach for everyday life

Different instruments

Certified consultants and coaches

Exclusive partner for Germany and China

Practical experience and
transfer to everyday life

The introduction to the theory of the Four Rooms of Change is not a frontal lesson, but has more the character of a workshop. Participants work through the theory themselves under the guidance of a certified consultant. Self-reflection, small group work and group discussions are used.

The methods used and the independent formulation make the model very accessible. This usually leads to a “wow” effect for the participants during the development phase.

The setting makes it possible to create a different willingness and motivation to change during the introduction.

The right instrument for your challenge

Janssen’s Model® comprises various instruments that can be used to suit you and your change.

As an exclusive partner of Janssen’s Model® in Germany and China, we already offer you the following tools:


  • The introduction to the theory of the Four Rooms of Change forms the basis for working with Janssen’s Model®.
  • You will get to know the different ways of looking at life and you will be able to roughly localize yourself.
  • You will work through the Four Rooms of Change and learn the path through the rooms as an individual and how you can work with them as a group.


  • As a consultant, (agile) coach, HR professional, executive or project manager, the certification provides you with a deeper understanding of the theory and the tools to introduce others to Janssen’s Model®.
  • If your organization is undergoing a transformation, it is also worth qualifying internal Janssen’s Model® Certified Users to manage the transformation and all the emotions and resistance that come with it.
  • This certification is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as Continuing Coach Education (CCE). Are you an ICF-certified coach? Then you can gather a total of 20 hours of CCE with this Janssen’s Model® certification.
  • Certification: Introduction Four Rooms – Janssen’s Model®


  • The Janssen’s Model® Pulsometer is an assessment tool for your organization or team.
  • How healthy is your culture? What motivates your employees? And how can you increase satisfaction and inspiration and reduce censorship and confusion?
  • A different kind of employee survey: completed in just a few minutes, analyzed immediately, followed by structured reflection on the results and joint work on measures to increase employee satisfaction.

Personal Dialectics

  • If the rough localization from the Introduction is not enough for you, Personal Dialectics enables you to reflect more deeply and position yourself more precisely on the dialectical scale between the different ways of looking at life.
  • Personal Dialectics is the ideal tool as a basis for your personal development or as a starting point for individual coaching and it can also provide particular support in resolving conflicts.

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Shaping transformation successfully

Wiebke Steinel, Head of Business Field Strategy & Change at CONTUR, explains Janssen’s Model®, the Four Rooms of Change and which tools are in practical use worldwide.

Examples from practice

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Wiebke Steinel

Wiebke Steinel

Head of Business Field
Strategy & Change

+49 511 96 96 8 0

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Further impulses

Janssen’s Model® in practice: Blog article