We are “the CONTURies”

CONTUR´s expertise is the sum of many creative and competent minds. We are currently around 70 individuals at 6 locations on 3 different continents. We are all specialists with distinct profiles who live and breathe the CONTUR spirit. Together with over 100 network partners, we support our clients in their self-development, the development of their teams and their organizations, both sustainably and effectively.
grupo personas gente

25 years of experience in human resources and organizational development

Architects of learning and capability builders

At 6 locations and on 3 continents

Over 500 clients in 26 countries and on 4 continents


CONTURIES work with their brains, their hearts but also with their gut instincts. Flat hierarchies do not mean that we have wings, but they do allow us the necessary freedom to use our creative energy for you “without inhibitions”.

We respond to your trust in us with absolute openness and honesty. What´s more, we sincerely want to understand your concerns 100% from the start. So, first we listen very closely and then we can contribute our many years of experience.

When we work out specific issues together with you, we always do so at eye level. Why? Because we are also professionals: All our consultants and trainers are familiar with the challenges in today´s business world from their own previous professional experience.

CONTURie Gruppenbild


CONTURIES may be high flyers but they certainly don´t have their heads in the clouds. Yet they are indeed a bit like astronauts: Always on the lookout for new ideas and, at first glance, sometimes apparently unusual methods to steer the development of people, teams and companies into the right orbit. Our universe is the Capability Building, but it´s always you that we orbit around, never ourselves! We are the observation post in your company orbit! After a thorough analysis, we will “dock” on to your needs and ideas by using the appropriate consulting and optimal training approach. And then we will lift off together and explore new galaxies in our daily business.

If this sounds a bit far-fetched to you: CONTURIES may be able to move around safely under zero gravity conditions, but we also like to keep our feet firmly on the ground. We turn bold ideas into sound concepts for the sustainable success of your company!

Local – Global – Digital

We are there where you need us and also when you need us. Locally on site at 6 locations and on 3 continents. And in digital terms, we are neighbours all over the world. Yet, much more important for you in our international team, you will always find a contact person who knows, understands and, above all, takes into consideration, the unique cultural characteristics of your location.


Our motto with no ifs and buts: ENJOY DEVELOPMENT!  Why? Because we all know that when something grows and develops, it makes us happy. This does not only apply to our customers, but also to us. Because we, too, are continuously developing right alongside you and the expectations you have of us.

However, this mutual development is not only a source of pleasure: It also provides an almost inexhaustible reservoir of untapped potential and paves the way for you to explore in the future! You may find it hard to believe, but: We ourselves are sometimes amazed at what can be achieved by working together!

So, let us share both with you. Pleasure and amazement! Because they form the perfect foundation for your sustainable development.


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Would YOU like to become a member of our team? We are always on the lookout for bright minds who want to promote the development of people, teams and companies with their experience and passion.

Giving something back!

It is not only individual CONTURies who get involved with their work in various social projects and voluntary work. As a company, we also see ourselves as having a social responsibility to share our experience with others and contribute our development expertise – Pro Bono Publico, i.e. for the benefit of the public.

There are special situations in which non-profit organizations, associations or individuals have a need for support and wish to draw on it. In this context, the costs incurred are often too high to be accompanied effectively.

Please feel free to describe your concern to us and we will consider to what extent we can support you or how we can come together!


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