Your Way to CONTUR
Actually meeting CONTUR was very fortuitous because I was in a moment in my professional life where I needed to make a change to learn more and learn more about the learning environment at the business level.
The challenges within my activities will consist of growing and consolidating the area of sales and business development as well as learning from customers to meet their needs and generate the trust that is so sought after. Also, I really enjoy being in front of a group so I hope to have the opportunity to do it soon.

Interestingly enough, I have a degree in nutrition, however, since I graduated I have always been involved in teaching or being in front of groups either in trainings, workshops or conferences. Due to the focus of my career I love everything related to health, supplementation, integrative medicine and things related to wellness with a holistic approach. I enjoy having a good cup of coffee with friends, going to the gym or doing some physical activity and being with my family.
Questions to you
What work did you do while you were at school?
I provided consultations with a multidisciplinary team focused on the comprehensive management of people living with diabetes.
Describe your ideal weekend
Being in a woodland cabin with friends and family enjoying a delicious meal, warm weather and good conversation, games and anecdotes.
Superman, Batman or Spiderman?
Batman 😉