Pro Bono
In simple words: support in the community and give something back in those areas where civil society and individuals face particular challenges.

Giving something back!
It is not only individual CONTURies who get involved with their work in various social projects and voluntary work. As a company, we also see ourselves as having a social responsibility to share our experience with others and contribute our development expertise – pro bono publico, i.e. for the benefit of the public.
There are special situations in which non-profit organizations, associations or individuals have a need for support and wish to draw on it. In this context, the costs incurred are often too high to be accompanied effectively.
Please feel free to describe your concern to us and we will consider to what extent we can support you or how we can come together!
Sustainable Development Goals
Within the context of the task, we are guided by the idea of contributing to the 17 global goals for sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Giving something back!

Your contactperson
Our experts will be pleased to be at your disposal for this service.

Your contactperson
Our experts will be pleased to be at your disposal for this service.