Team Development

Solving conflicts. Strengthening teams. Achieve success.
Many of us know this situation: The office gossip is the only thing that still flourishes and the conversations at the coffee machine are among the rare enriching moments in the course of a business day. In meetings, on the other hands, silence and unsatisfying monologues predominate. This can certainly happen “from time to time” anywhere, but if this communicative imbalance manifests itself, then action is called for: in this case, conflict management is urgently recommended to ensure positive team development.

However, there are other good reasons to initiate external professional support for the team. Ideally, before serious conflicts arise, because then you can still fully concentrate on meaningful improvements.
CONTUR group 1x1

25 years of intensive experience with individual learning architectures

Presence and virtual implementation in different languages

Implementation in many countries and continents

Enhancing performance in the team by working together

Every senior management team likes to hear this phrase: “We are a top team!” Yet, even in teams that seem to be running “smoothly” at first glance, noticeable improvements are always possible, often to the surprise of those involved. The reason why is because sometimes important “basics” creep under the radar over time.

Essential for any team, for example, is an agreement on the rules of the game. In particular, the increasingly dominant hybrid or virtual forms of collaboration require more extensive coordination and more intensive work on a positive team culture than was previously the case.

Whereas in traditional face-to-face meetings in a room any dissonance between participating members can be detected relatively accurately, in digital meetings, closeness and trust must be built up systematically. Therefore, both of these factors together create the reliable basis for good collaboration – and that includes virtual collaboration!

CONTUR cta seminarfinder

Everyone is different – diversity in the team is an opportunity

Anyone who works in an international team will invariably find cultural diversity enriching, because it is often the different perspective that unties a knot and provides the proverbial “ah-ha effect”. Yet especially in critical situations, or when things have to be done “really fast”, cultural differences and different personalities are suddenly perceived as disruptive. The willingness to understand other team members dwindles and the desperate question of why “they just don´t want to get it” develops a dominance that paralyzes the further course of the discussion. Time for an intercultural team development impulse from outside!

In this situation, it is essential to recognize and respect the different perspectives and, above all, to rediscover the commonalities. Diversity-based conflicting contributions must be made transparent so that everyone can experience the potential of diversity anew. Differences become comprehensive solutions once again!

Shape challenging and critical changes jointly in the management team

Every change begins with one or even several question marks. And the bigger the upcoming changes are, the more these question marks dominate the discourse in the team. This can also paralyze teams that have functioned well in the past. That is why the first step in change is always to create clarity. Fundamental questions must be addressed: Where do we want to go and how can we achieve this as a team?

Team coaching that keeps both individual needs and the achievement of the common purpose in focus can significantly increase the ability to find optimal solutions together as a team.

Developing the change capability of the team as well as of the individual team members effectively and sustainably, increases the resilience of the team. This is because this positive effect can also be exploited and used for future challenges: The right team coaching develops a special and comprehensive “change capability” – effective today and sustainable as a good “foundation” for the future.

Increase the self-organization capability of your teams

Companies striving to break away from old and rigid hierarchies in favour of more self-responsibility are familiar with the problem: Even if teams have long demanded more self-responsibility, they are often overwhelmed the moment the switch has to be flipped. This is because the ability to organize oneself needs to be learned and, above all, trained. The good news: it can be learned!

Depending on the maturity of a team, work can be done systematically to support the team on its way to more autonomous management. In this context, it is important to design the framework conditions from the outset in such a way that self-organization is not just “allowed” and made possible. When implemented correctly, self-organization is perceived as a new and inspiring kind of freedom that acts like a booster, significantly increasing the willingness of individual team members to perform and thus also the performance of the team as a whole.

Your Contact Person

Sound convincing? Then contact us without obligation!

Carla, Gosch

Carla Regine Gosch

Beratung Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung

+49 69 78 90 19 60

Bettina Köppel

Bettina Köppel

Trainer/ Consultant

+49 941 78 44 75 14

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