Collaboration, Methods and Tools

The nature of collaboration has changed very noticeably and visibly in recent years and has been further accelerated by the demands of the Corona pandemic protective measures. And many – if not all – of these new forms of collaboration will outlast the pandemic itself. Why? Quite simply, because they are good! And, because they make everyday life easier and foster particularly flexible collaboration practices.
CONTUR Four Persons
Online Arbeiten zu dritt

We have all learned that the various options for collaboration can be easily interlinked. Online or onsite? We will no longer draw this rigid dividing line in the future. Hybrid collaboration is now building a reliable bridge across which we can move toward each other at any time.

However, in order to organize collaboration in virtual teams, projects and networks efficiently and trustfully in the future, the use of social collaboration tools is indispensable, regardless of whether it is within the company or across the board with partners, customers and suppliers.

The extensive possibilities of social collaboration tools are not yet being fully exploited, so a little persuasion is definitely still required. For example, and keeping in mind the objective and the task at hand, the more analogue-oriented “preservationists” must also be involved, the digital potential must be made transparent to them, and they must be convinced of the advantages of hybrid collaboration. But involving them is not only necessary, it also makes sense: Because only in a team can the right methods be found that offer the greatest benefits for everyone involved.

Positive side effect: Everyone contributes to successful teamwork in day-to-day activities. That bonds people together!



The mere use of social collaboration tools is not enough to achieve better results from the new forms of collaboration. Why? Because there is one thing that cannot be replaced  and is perhaps even becoming more important than ever due to the “distance” of online meetings: Trust! So it´s not just the right tools that are needed, but also cooperation based on trust. The prerequisite for this a team culture in which everyone can contribute and in which diversity is embraced as an opportunity.  The experience of a “we-feeling” and the feeling of belonging are the essential driving forces for an increased willingness to perform – despite hybrid working conditions.

The advantages of hybrid work structures are becoming increasingly obvious to all involved. Today, they are already an integral part of everyday life in many companies. Employees welcome them, for example, because of the time they save in getting to and from work. In addition, they even save costs. And, by the way, hybrid work structures also conserve resources. Our environment will certainly thank us for that!

Companies benefit as well, of course: Employee satisfaction, combined with the use of digital opportunities and the creation of a culture of trust, increases the efficiency and performance of teams, projects and networks. And that represents nothing less than a perfect basis for success!

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Tanja Tralau-Vieillemard

Head of Business Field Collaboration & Digital Learning

+49 511 96 96 8 0
