Digital High Intensity Training

DHIT®: Leading and Managing Yourself in Change

Are you in an emotionally demanding situation? Are you facing a challenging change? Do you feel paralyzed or overwhelmed by this situation? These feelings are normal reactions to unexpected change. Learn more about which emotional reactions trigger crises and changes with the help of the Four Rooms of Change® and find a way out of the crisis that is coherent for you.

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Digital High Intensity Training

DHIT®: Leading and Managing Yourself in Change

Are you in an emotionally demanding situation? Are you facing a challenging change? Do you feel paralyzed or overwhelmed by this situation? These feelings are normal reactions to unexpected change. Learn more about which emotional reactions trigger crises and changes with the help of the Four Rooms of Change® and find a way out of the crisis that is coherent for you.

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4 Participants

1:1 Mentoring

Intensive Feedback

Sustainable Learning Journey


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We start with your challenges

The small group format and the individual coaching sessions of the DHIT® make it possible to address the individual concerns of the participants in a very needs-oriented way. This ensures that you develop a solution that is right for you.

As a psychologist and experienced systemic coach, the trainer supports you competently and empathically, even in challenging personal changes.

Your Learning Goals

  • the emotional reactions to change
  • the phase progression of change processes
  • personality-related behavioral tendencies / inclinations in change processes
  • a clear personal development goal
  • a clear personal development goal
  • more security and a feeling of self-efficacy

Course description

Change usually means that something familiar is lost and with it possibly security, recognition, belonging. It is therefore no wonder that we do not immediately welcome every change.

In the training you will get to know the Four Rooms of Change® model, which illustrates the various emotions we go through in change processes and what helps us to gain acceptance for the new situation.

In which phase of the change process we tend to get “stuck” also depends on our personality. In the training you will learn more about yourself and what you need to cope with crises and changes.


You will develop a personal goal based on your situation and work concretely on solutions for your individual challenge.

In the context of systemic coaching, the instructor enables you to adopt new perspectives and develop alternative courses of action. An essential goal of coaching is to strengthen your resources and thus develop a sense of self-efficacy.

You will develop a personal goal based on your situation and work concretely on solutions for your individual challenge.

In the context of systemic coaching, the instructor enables you to adopt new perspectives and develop alternative courses of action. An essential goal of coaching is to strengthen your resources and thus develop a sense of self-efficacy.

Procedure of the Digital High Intensity Training®

dhit procedure english

Learning Journey

  • 1.5 hours warm-up session
  • 2x 3 hours of highly intensive and interactive live online sessions in small groups with max. 4 participants at intervals of approx. 1 week
  • 3 individual 30 min. coaching sessions with your trainer following the live online sessions to support a successful transfer into individual practice
  • Self-learning elements between the sessions to further support the learning process (time required approx. 3 hrs. in total)

All dates

There are dates available for this seminar.


13:00 - 14:30

Live Online Session: Warm-Up

MS Teams


13:00 - 16:00

Live Online Session: Module 1

MS Teams


09:00 - 12:00

Live Online Session: Module 2

MS Teams

Tayfun Elibal
Order no. 210058_b
1.390,00 EUR (plus VAT.)
This price includes all course material, certificate of participation, as well as, in the case of face-to-face events, food including lunch (per full training day) and coffee breaks. Any costs for accommodation/breakfast will be billed directly to the participant by the hotel.
Free places available
Book now


13:00 - 14:30

Live Online Session: Warm-Up

MS Teams


13:00 - 16:00

Live Online Session: Module 1

MS Teams


09:00 - 12:00

Live Online Session: Module 2

MS Teams

Tayfun Elibal
Order no. 210058_b
1.390,00 EUR (plus VAT.)
This price includes all course material, certificate of participation, as well as, in the case of face-to-face events, food including lunch (per full training day) and coffee breaks. Any costs for accommodation/breakfast will be billed directly to the participant by the hotel.
Free places available
Book now

Your Contact Person

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Your Contact Person

Our experts will be pleased to advise you!

Questions and Answers


Your way out of a crisis is very individual. With the help of the DHIT you get to know your personality and its typical behavioral patterns in change processes better. On this basis, and with the help of individual coaching, you develop a personal path.

First of all, this may just be your perception. Every person goes through several phases in a change process. How long you get stuck in which phase depends on various factors. In the DHIT, you will learn about these factors and what helps you overcome crises.

An essential approach to more security and self-efficacy is to strengthen, perhaps reactivate, your resources. In crises and change processes we lose access to our potentials. With the help of individual systemic coaching, we support you in regaining access to your potentials.

Your way out of a crisis is very individual. With the help of the DHIT you get to know your personality and its typical behavioral patterns in change processes better. On this basis, and with the help of individual coaching, you develop a personal path.

First of all, this may just be your perception. Every person goes through several phases in a change process. How long you get stuck in which phase depends on various factors. In the DHIT, you will learn about these factors and what helps you overcome crises.

An essential approach to more security and self-efficacy is to strengthen, perhaps reactivate, your resources. In crises and change processes we lose access to our potentials. With the help of individual systemic coaching, we support you in regaining access to your potentials.

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