Classroom training

Hybrid Project Management

Traditionally, there are two dominant project management methods: the "classic" and the "agile" approach.

In classic project management, the course of the project is planned sequentially, with clear phases and fixed milestones. Agile approaches, on the other hand, are iterative and incremental, emphasizing close team collaboration and adaptation to changing requirements.

Some projects, however, need a good mix of both worlds: hybrid project management. Here, individual work packages or subprojects are handled agilely, while the rest of the project continues according to the classic approach.

Teamarbeit Pinnwand

Classroom training

Hybrid Project Management

Traditionally, there are two dominant project management methods: the "classic" and the "agile" approach.

In classic project management, the course of the project is planned sequentially, with clear phases and fixed milestones. Agile approaches, on the other hand, are iterative and incremental, emphasizing close team collaboration and adaptation to changing requirements.

Some projects, however, need a good mix of both worlds: hybrid project management. Here, individual work packages or subprojects are handled agilely, while the rest of the project continues according to the classic approach.

See dates
Teamarbeit Pinnwand

2 days classroom training

Hybrid project management as a target-oriented project management method

Technical input

Your Learning Goals

  • You understand the fundamentals of agile methods and learn the principles and values behind agile approaches
  • You will be familiarized with the main features of classical planning and how they can be complemented in hybrid approaches
  • You decide independently which approach unyter which conditions is most effective for your project and how to combine the two.
  • Confidently handle changes in the project environment by regularly prioritizing requirements and adjusting the project plan.

Course description

In unserem Training zum hybriden Projektmanagement lernen Sie, wie Sie Projektmanagement-Methoden und -Ansätze aus verschiedenen Welten kombinieren, um den Bedürfnissen deines Projekts und deines Teams gerecht zu werden. Hybrides Projektmanagement verbindet traditionelle, plangetriebene Ansätze mit agilen Praktiken, um eine flexible und effiziente

In our Hybrid Project Management training, you will learn how to combine project management methods and approaches from different worlds to meet the needs of your project and your team. Hybrid project management combines traditional, plan-driven approaches with agile practices to provide a flexible and efficient approach.

The trainer’s hands-on experience with the different project management approaches allows us to show you in a structured way when and how to plan hybrid projects and how to bring your team and stakeholders along the way.

In the traininig you will learn that hybrid project management is not an “alibi event”, but a necessary and goal-oriented project management method.

Hybrid project management recognizes that no single approach is appropriate for all projects. Instead, projects may require a combination of traditional and agile practices to achieve the best results. This may mean that certain aspects of the project are accurately planned in advance, while other aspects are executed in agile sprints.

Hybrid project management recognizes that no single approach is appropriate for all projects. Instead, projects may require a combination of traditional and agile practices to achieve the best results. This may mean that certain aspects of the project are accurately planned in advance, while other aspects are executed in agile sprints.

Hybrid project management can be useful in several situations, for example:

  • Projects with clear requirements and known technologies can benefit from a traditional approach, while innovative aspects are developed in agile sprints.
  • Large, complex projects might require detailed planning initially, but over time requirements might vary, requiring agile adjustments.
  • Projects involving multiple teams or external partners could benefit from a hybrid approach to facilitate collaboration.

It is important to note that the success of hybrid project management depends on careful selection and customization of the right elements. Thorough analysis of project requirements and proper communication with the team are critical to maximizing the benefits of the hybrid approach.

Hybrid project management recognizes that no single approach is appropriate for all projects. Instead, projects may require a combination of traditional and agile practices to achieve the best results. This may mean that certain aspects of the project are accurately planned in advance, while other aspects are executed in agile sprints.

Hybrid project management can be useful in several situations, for example:

  • Projects with clear requirements and known technologies can benefit from a traditional approach, while innovative aspects are developed in agile sprints.
  • Large, complex projects might require detailed planning initially, but over time requirements might vary, requiring agile adjustments.
  • Projects involving multiple teams or external partners could benefit from a hybrid approach to facilitate collaboration.

It is important to note that the success of hybrid project management depends on careful selection and customization of the right elements. Thorough analysis of project requirements and proper communication with the team are critical to maximizing the benefits of the hybrid approach.

Most important facts about the course

  • Adaptability: Hybrid approaches enable project managers to respond to change and unforeseen events.
  • Risk mitigation: By combining best practices from different methods, potential risks can be better identified and mitigated.
  • Increased efficiency: hybrid approaches enable efficient use of resources by encouraging the use of best practices and proven processes that support project progress.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Hybrid approaches facilitate engagement and collaboration with different stakeholders because they can flexibly address different stakeholder needs and requirements.
  • Scalability: Hybrid project management approaches are suitable for both small and large projects. They can be adapted to the project size and complexity.
  • Best-of-breed approach: Hybrid approaches allow project managers to select the best from different methods and frameworks.
  • Corporate culture: Hybrid project management enables integration of different methods and practices that better fit the corporate culture, which can improve adoption and implementation by the team.

All dates

There are dates available for this seminar.

25.06.2025 - 26.06.2025

09:00 - 17:00

Face-to-face training

CONTUR GmbH, Hannover

Birgit Freitag
Order no. 340026_b
1.390,00 EUR (plus VAT.)
This price includes all course material, certificate of participation, as well as, in the case of face-to-face events, food including lunch (per full training day) and coffee breaks. Any costs for accommodation/breakfast will be billed directly to the participant by the hotel.
Free places available
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25.06.2025 - 26.06.2025

09:00 - 17:00

Face-to-face training

CONTUR GmbH, Hannover

Birgit Freitag
Order no. 340026_b
1.390,00 EUR (plus VAT.)
This price includes all course material, certificate of participation, as well as, in the case of face-to-face events, food including lunch (per full training day) and coffee breaks. Any costs for accommodation/breakfast will be billed directly to the participant by the hotel.
Free places available
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