Blended Training

Leading with confidence: hybrid, virtual and back in the office

The current times are challenging you as a manager: the tried and true is no longer working. Team cohesion seems to be weakened. Your business environment has become more uncertain and challenging for you and your employees. You are faced with the daily tension that employees (want to) work partly from home and partly from the office.
Clarity, cooperation and enthusiasm are missing! Redesign your daily management routine!

Online Arbeiten zu dritt

Blended Training

Leading with confidence: hybrid, virtual and back in the office

The current times are challenging you as a manager: the tried and true is no longer working. Team cohesion seems to be weakened. Your business environment has become more uncertain and challenging for you and your employees. You are faced with the daily tension that employees (want to) work partly from home and partly from the office.
Clarity, cooperation and enthusiasm are missing! Redesign your daily management routine!

See dates
Online Arbeiten zu dritt

Blended Training

Mix of different methods

Peer consulting

Your Learning Goals

  • Understanding challenges in everyday leadership and developing solutions
  • Strengthening team cohesion as a leader
  • Awakening enthusiasm for common goals
  • What to avoid in leadership from a neuroscientific perspective
  • Dealing with different needs of employees: in hybrid, virtual space and (back) in the office
  • Tips and tricks for making hybrid, virtual spaces and work in the office attractive
  • The role of the manager in unresolved conflicts in the team
  • Understanding and recognizing change dynamics

Course description

With the Leadership Training you strengthen your understanding of leadership and gain new perspectives. You will find out in concrete terms what makes your leadership work difficult at the present time and recognize how you can redesign your day-to-day leadership. With a wide range of impulses from the training, you will then create an environment in which your team will be happy to deliver top performance again.

The leadership seminar is varied and very practical. It allows you to experience current challenges in your leadership environment and to integrate these insights as well as new professional impulses into your daily work. In addition, you will exchange ideas with other managers and develop new approaches that you can implement individually.

Learn right away in a hybrid environment (online + face-to-face) that also reflects your daily work life.

In the online kick-off, you will get to know yourself and the program, reflect on your current challenges and share your expectations. In addition, a first introduction to the topic of hybrid, virtual and back to the office takes place.

Afterwards we meet intensively in presence for 2 days.
Familiarize yourself with the basics of the new leadership context and be inspired to rethink and redesign your leadership work. The two days are characterized by reflecting on what you have heard, trying it out and experiencing it. In fact, nothing has stayed the same.

Your virtual work today has different requirements than it did a few years ago. Hybrid settings now need to be designed consciously and professionally with each other. “Back in the office” – here your employees also have different expectations of the joint work on site and of you.
In addition, we look at your leadership environment, change mechanisms and how good team development can work in this context.

In the online follow-up we reflect on your first experiences with the implementation in your daily leadership routine to ensure sustainable change and improvement for you.

Afterwards we meet intensively in presence for 2 days.
Familiarize yourself with the basics of the new leadership context and be inspired to rethink and redesign your leadership work. The two days are characterized by reflecting on what you have heard, trying it out and experiencing it. In fact, nothing has stayed the same.

Your virtual work today has different requirements than it did a few years ago. Hybrid settings now need to be designed consciously and professionally with each other. “Back in the office” – here your employees also have different expectations of the joint work on site and of you.
In addition, we look at your leadership environment, change mechanisms and how good team development can work in this context.

In the online follow-up we reflect on your first experiences with the implementation in your daily leadership routine to ensure sustainable change and improvement for you.

Learning Journey

  • 1,5 hours Kick-off (digital)
  • 2 days Face-to-face Training
  • 1,5 hours Follow-up (digital)

Feedback of Participants

All dates

There are dates available for this seminar.


09:00 - 10:30

Live Online Session: Warm-Up

MS Teams

10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

09:00 - 17:00

Face-to-face module

CONTUR GmbH, Hannover


09:00 - 10:30

Live Online Session: Follow-up

MS Teams

Anette Göll
Order no. 210031_k
1.580,00 EUR (plus VAT.)
The price includes the seminar documents, certificate of attendance and, in the case of attendance modules, a joint lunch per full seminar day and the coffee breaks. The costs for overnight stay/breakfast will be settled directly with the hotel.
Free places available
Book now


09:00 - 10:30

Live Online Session: Warm-Up

MS Teams

10.10.2024 - 11.10.2024

09:00 - 17:00

Face-to-face module

CONTUR GmbH, Hannover


09:00 - 10:30

Live Online Session: Follow-up

MS Teams

Anette Göll
Order no. 210031_k
1.580,00 EUR (plus VAT.)
The price includes the seminar documents, certificate of attendance and, in the case of attendance modules, a joint lunch per full seminar day and the coffee breaks. The costs for overnight stay/breakfast will be settled directly with the hotel.
Free places available
Book now

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