collaboration in international teams
Our Customer
4 countries, 30 people involved
Client and stakeholders in Europe and the team in Mx/US
CONTUR team of 4 consultants from Germany
US and Mexico involved
Blended approach over 3 months
From virtual interviews, assessments, and debriefs to joint workshop in presence and joint follow-up workshop.
Continuous project steering and alignment with client
To consider actual incidents and involve stakeholders’ feedback.
The result
A common manifesto was developed and signed by all participants describing the rules of communication and collaboration in the team. Individual personal commitments were made, and actions defined to realize these commitments. This was certainly the beginning of a journey – in which participants will need to remember and support each other in implementing these new ways of working before they become internalized continuously and consistently in the collective culture.
Collaboration with the people involved.
Intense exchange and preparation as well as project steering in alignment with global and local HR as well as R&D Head. Detailed involvement of stakeholders. In-depth exchange with team members before workshop to meet expectations, develop trust and address critical issues.