Leadership culture development in blended format

for the two upper management levels of all business units of an international division of a DAX group. Shaping the new leadership culture together.
CONTUR man women

ContiTech – Smart & Sustainable Solutions Beyond Rubber

ContiTech, as one of three divisions of the DAX-listed Continental AG, is one of the world’s leading industrial specialists for products and systems made of rubber, plastic, metal, fabric and electronic components. They offer industrial and service solutions in the field, on rail and road, in the air, above and below ground, in industrial environments and for the food and furniture sectors.
  • Industry: Automotive supplier
  • Foundation of Continental AG in 1871
  • Employees: 43,000 in > 40 countries


The business area had initiated a serious change in strategy and structural set-up – from very decentralized to substantial standardized approaches across all regions and business units.

500 executives from the top two management levels of all units and locations were asked to work together to reshape the new direction in the transformation process – under uncertainty and in confidently dealing with resistance in the organization.

In doing so, they should act as a team and shape their leadership behaviors to provide guidance and create a positive “can-do” spirit.


For each business unit, we held the following events several times in groups of 15 participants:

Joint design phase in the business unit:

  • Virtual Kick-Offs à 90 min: Getting to know each other, netiquette. Approach, goal and framework of the measure. Cultural change needs reflection. Leadership culture – what is it. Storytelling on change. Individual transfer task.
  • Face-to-face workshops of 2 days each: introduction, goal, rules of the game. Reflection on the transfer task in the form of storytelling about leadership and change. Connection of vision, strategy, leadership, values. Transformational leadership. Development of a leadership compass. Evaluation of the dimensions of the compass. Selection of two delegates for the next process step.

From the different groups delegates came together in the third step in the delegates’ conference,90 min, 2 participants from each face-to-face workshop (Getting to know each other, goal, role. Success factors for change. Consolidation of the compasses of the workshops to a BU compass. Evaluation of the dimensions and presentation at the BU Head.)

Implementation phase in the business unit

  • Implementation kick-offs, 60 min à 30 participants. Introduction, goal, presentation of the final leadership compass. Q&A for understanding, wording. Elaboration of necessary activities and roles. Evaluation and prioritization.
  • Online survey, 15 min, to all business unit managers.Evaluate the fulfillment of the leadership culture dimensions today. Setting priorities – what do we tackle first. Definition of two specific activities. Own commitment in this change.
  • Consolidation of the survey results and presentation to the BU Head.
  • Town Hall, 90 min, All business unit executives involved and BU Head. Review, goal of Townhall, roles. Success factors for change. Presentation of the results of the survey. Presentation of the action plan and responsibilities.


We developed the concept in close cooperation with the person responsible for personnel development in the division and, after approval, then organized and implemented it individually with the business units. Close feedback loops with the respective BU heads and BU HRs were a matter of course and ensured a concerted process.

The entire documentation and digitization of documents, as well as the overall organization and scheduling, etc., was also handled by CONTUR. The management compasses of the business units are different and reflect the wording used in the BU. They have intentionally not been consolidated further in order not to shake the identification with the own elaborations.

500 executives worldwide

Trainer team with 5 experienced trainers and 3 web moderators

Duration: 6-8 months


In all BUs, tracking of implementation successes was integrated into the regular meetings after completing the overall measure. The particular success factor was the involvement of executives from all over the world – the new leadership culture was developed jointly and not imposed by headquarters. This released a lot of energy and encouraged each individual executive to make his or her own role in helping to shape the leadership culture.

  • Time investment per participant: 2 days face-to-face workshop + 2-3x 90min live online session
  • In total for the division: 33 kick-offs and face-to-face workshops, 8 delegate conferences, 8 online surveys, 10 implementation kick-offs and 10 townhall events.
  • > 150 tech checks of 10 min each for all participants to ensure virtual working in live online sessions

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