Development of a Virtual Development Center

Conception and implementation for the description of the executive potential of senior managers
CONTUR man women

To the client

Our client is an internationally active, listed company with approximately 200,000 employees in around 60 countries worldwide.


In the course of pandemic contact restrictions and international travel restrictions, our client had set the goal of transitioning its previously successful face-to-face Development Centers to a virtual format.

The Development Center is generally used to provide feedback to senior executives regarding their strengths and development potential, and to indicate whether these executives have the potential to assume an executive role in the future.

In addition, individual development measures are recommended for each participant.

The new, virtual process should

  1. be as efficient as possible
  2. be highly standardized in order to achieve the greatest possible comparability between participants, and
  3. be as technically convenient as possible for assessors and participants.


Based on the company’s competency model and competencies specially selected for the participant group

  • We designed tasks which occur in the same or a similar form in the everyday life of an executive and which differ from each other in their format (e.g. case study, role play and interview).
  • We defined which task specifically demonstrates which competencies of a participant.
  • We described the specific behavior that could be seen as an indicator of each competency in each task.

We further trained the company’s internal assessors with self-developed learning videos and in live online trainings for the implementation of the Development Centers.

To ensure orientation within our virtual “execution site,” we train both participants and assessors in a technology check prior to each DC execution. In this way, we ensure that everyone involved can use their technical access and knows where to find which documents.


The assessors’ conference at the end of each Development Center also takes place virtually, with the assessors simultaneously seeing what the facilitator or CONTUR’s consultant writes down in the summary about the strengths, weaknesses, and development recommendations.

We developed a virtual “execution site” with different rooms and document storage systems and furthermore a virtual evaluation tool, in which the assessors note down their observations and impressions during the task execution and enter their evaluation after completion of the task. An overall evaluation of all exercises and competencies is automatically generated for each participant.

The Development Center is moderated and controlled by an experienced consultant from Management Diagnostics. In order to relieve the assessors as much as possible and to achieve a focus on observation and evaluation, the CONTUR’s consultant takes over the conversation and interview guidance with the participant as well as the role player function during the execution of the individual DC tasks. This also ensures a very high standardization of the procedure.



CONTUR is in regular contact with the client and at fixed points in the year we create evaluations of which competencies are highly developed across all participating managers. This enables our client to incorporate the findings into development programs for its managers.

After each DC, we conduct feedback sessions with the participants and write a report on each participant.


The internal HR people on our client’s side can use the results and development recommendations of the reports to coordinate concrete development measures with the participants and their managers.

In this way, we support the individual development of each Development Center participant.

Execution per year: around 150 events

Satisfaction on the participant side

Executives from 60 countries

Feedback from Participants

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